Every movie has an ending!
Every legend has history!
Mine is about the ending of my lovely Ex..363
Every time I came back looking..
She still stood there...waiting...
With heart full of feelings...
At night...she will kept me warm....and protected me....
No matter what I've done.. she still be there for me...
When I'm sick...sad or even mad in every chain..
She so understanding....and not a single complain
After everything's that she done for me....
Still she ask nothing in return from me..
My heart couldn't let her go...
Now you are gone..
I must let you be..
Letting you go, I have to let it be..
Losing you is a price for me..
You are no longer belong to me..
Hoping the next will be like YOU!
"Things cannot be forever, but Feeling can be forever" -LUCIFER-
"After missing for months
And yet I'm still alive and kicking" The Fallen rise again!
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